Henderson County Public Library

Public Computers

We have 38 computers available for public use, each providing Internet access and other software applications, such as word processing, desktop publishing, and resume writing software. We also provide a scanner and printer for public use. Free Wi-Fi service is available for your personal device.


Please review the HCPL Fine/Fee Schedule, for the cost of services.

  • Photocopy machines – 2 copy machines are available for self-service use.
  • Microfilm machines – 2 microfilm machines are available for self-service use. You may make copies and/or save images to your flash drive.
  • Fax machine – Staff will send and receive faxes for patrons. The library does not fax to international numbers.

Library Dash

The Henderson County Public Library will help you pick out books, movies, television shows, and music for you based on the information you give us. We can pull up to 5 items for you. This delivery service is once a month. Once you put in your request, scheduling is 48 hours out. Mobile Library will contact you to set up a delivery time. We deliver Monday to Friday from 10 am to 3 pm. If you are not home, we can also deliver to your place of work (as long as it is within Henderson County). You will be responsible for returning the items back to the library. Register for this service.

Book Boxes

Looking for something new to read, but don't know where to start? Adult book box is a free monthly subscription brought to you by the Henderson County Public Library. This is a once a month subscription, if you would like to continue getting a box please fill out this form every month. This service is for any interested adult with a Henderson County Public Library card. HCPL staff will use reader's advisory skills to make you your own personalized box based on your interests.

Adult book boxes will contain 2-3 items based on your interests as well as other goodies. This is a good service for anyone wanting to try a new genre or a new author but don't know where to start. We want to make your box personalized to you, we can do strictly books only as well as a mixed media box. Each box will contain a survey card you can fill out and bring back along with your items and the box. Your items and box must be returned on time, however the goodies are yours to keep. Sign up for your very own personalized book box by filling out this form!

Book Kits

What are Book Club Kits?

Finding a book for your next book club meeting just got a whole lot easier! Check out a Book Club Kit from the Henderson County Library, and be prepared to have an excellent meeting. Each Book Club Kit includes at least 10 copies of each book and many kits include 1 Large Print copy.

How can I find a kit?

You can see a list of our Book Club Kits and their availability by using our new KitKeeper Reservation System. There are three ways to search for Book Club Kits: 1.) view a complete list of all kits; 2.) select a specific kit to view; or 3.) view available kits based on the date you will need it.

How do I check out a kit?

The KitKeeper system allows you to place a reservation for a Book Club Kit. Complete instructions on how to make a reservation can be found on the Welcome/Help page on our KitKeeper site. Once the kit you have reserved is available for pick-up, you will be notified just like any other hold you might have, and all you have to do is check out the kit just as you would any other item.

How do I return a kit?

Simply return all contents of the kit (books and guide) to the library as usual, and a staff member will gladly check-in the Book Club Kit. Please note that because another patron may have reserved a specific kit for the date it's schedule to be returned (or shortly thereafter), it is very important you return the kit by the due date. In addition, as with any other item, the patron who check out the Book Club Kit will be responsible for any damaged or missing items.

Interlibrary Loan

The Library strives to provide quick and easy access to all information and materials that patrons request. In some cases, a book may be out of print and can no longer be purchased, or someone may need a copy of a journal article from a specialized or obscure source. In these cases, patrons may request that the Library try to borrow the material through Interlibrary Loan from other libraries around the country. If you feel that you need Interlibrary Loan services, please call the Library and ask to speak to the Interlibrary Loan librarian, email the Interlibrary Loan librarian, or fill out and print an ILL request form.

Library Tours

Groups may request a formal tour of the library. Tours will include stops at all public areas of the library as well as the history of the library and the original library building. This is especially popular for school groups, visitors to Henderson, and local organizations. Advance reservations are required. Please call the library if you would like to schedule a tour or submit an online request.

Meeting Rooms and Learning Lab

The meeting rooms and learning lab are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Library events and programs will be given priority over outside events and meetings. Groups agree to follow the Meeting Room and Facilities Use Policy. A meeting room request must be completed to reserve these spaces.

Pittsburg Tank and Tower Event Suite

The Pittsburg Tank and Tower Event Suite features three meeting rooms that can be opened to a larger room for big events. This space offers a beautiful view of the Ohio River from every room and access to the Sitex Roof Deck for even more room for attendees to mingle. Each room can be set up auditorium-style or with round tables that seat 8. A catering kitchen with amenities makes it easy to have your meeting or event catered.

The entire Event Suite can accommodate up to 140 people auditorium-style and 136 people at tables.

Meeting Room A comfortably seats 36 people auditorium-style and 40 at tables. Meeting Room A features a built-in screen and a built-in counter area for serving food and drinks.

Meeting Room B comfortably seats 65 people auditorium-style or 48 at tables.

Meeting Room C comfortably seats 35 people auditorium-style or 40 at tables. Meeting Room C is adjacent to the catering kitchen.

Groups and individuals using the facilities for civic, cultural, informational, or educational purposes must make their meetings free and open to the public.

Groups and individuals wishing to use the Pittsburg Tank and Tower Event Suite for purposes other than civic, cultural, informational, or educational purposes will be assessed a $250 rental fee.

Learning Lab

The Community Learning Lab features 15 computers that groups or individuals can reserve for educational seminars, event registration, or other group technology needs. In addition, this room features a built-in screen, and a projector is available upon request.

Study Rooms

The library offers four study rooms in the Preston Family Foundation Annex. Each room has a table with seating for three people. Study rooms A, B, and C can be reserved in advance to guarantee one will be available. Study room D is available on a first come, first serve basis. Users without reservations may stop at any public service desk to ask about study room availability.

If all rooms are full, there is space for study on the second floor and in the Friends of the Library area near the Washington St. entrance. In addition, students aged 12-18 are invited to use the booths in the Teen Department.

Notary Public

Free notary public service is available most hours the Library is open. The purpose of a Notary Public is to act as an impartial witness as he or she certifies signatures. All signers must be present and provide photo identification. Documents must be signed in the presence of the Notary. A Notary cannot give advice or instruction regarding documents to be notarized and will not be involved in any transaction that the Notary believes to be false, deceptive or fraudulent.

Tax Forms

During tax season (January 1 - April 15), the Library provides free federal tax forms to the public until supplies run out and not all forms are available. Patrons may also print tax forms from the following web sites: for federal tax forms, https://www.irs.gov; for Kentucky tax forms, https://revenue.ky.gov/Get-Help/Pages/Forms.aspx. The Kentucky Department of Revenue no longer provides free tax forms to libraries. Patrons must download the forms or call 502-564-3658 for mailed forms.

Teacher Services

If you are a teacher or educator, you are encouraged to take advantage of our many free services, including a wealth of homework and educational tools on our website.

Educator Cards

  • Free to all educators living or working in Henderson County.
  • You may check out up to 30 books at one time.
  • An extended 30 day loan period for books, books on CD, and music allows time for you to review materials before including them in a unit or lesson.
  • Using your Educator card frees up your personal library card for leisure reading and weekend movies.
  • Please see the HCPL Educator Card Policy for more information.

Teacher Collections

We are able to collect up to 30 books and 7 DVDs or videos hand-picked by our own staff on a particular theme or themes for use in your classroom. For best service, please give 3 weeks advance notice.

Specific Requests

If we do not own the item that you need to enhance your curriculum or fulfill the educational standards for your classroom, we will try to purchase the item. Please allow at least a 4-week notice for specific requests. This allows us time to find an alternate source if the item is no longer available for purchase. We may be able to borrow the item from another library. Submit a request online.

Class Visits to the Library

Class visits may include a storytime, tour of the library, and time for checkout. We would be happy to tailor a visit to suit your specific needs. Please schedule class visits at least 3 weeks in advance. Submit a request for a class visit.

Test Proctoring

Test proctoring is offered to students at no charge. Appointments must be made in advance and students are responsible for arranging exams with their instructor or institution. For details please review our policy on proctoring exams.